Quick Start

This guide provides a step by step instruction of how to deploy CCP on bare metal or a virtual machine.

Deploy CCP

Install CCP CLI


Some commands below may require root permissions

To clone the CCP CLI repo:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/fuel-ccp

To install CCP CLI and Python dependencies use:

pip install fuel-ccp/

Create CCP CLI configuration file:

mkdir /etc/ccp
cat > /etc/ccp/ccp.yaml << EOF
  push: True
  address: ""
  skip_empty: True

Append default topology and edit it, if needed:

cat fuel-ccp/etc/topology-example.yaml >> /etc/ccp/ccp.yaml

Append global CCP configuration:

cat >> /etc/ccp/ccp.yaml << EOF
    private_interface: eth0
    public_interface: eth1
    neutron_external_interface: eth2

Make sure to adjust it to your environment, since the network configuration of your environment may be different.

  • private_interface - should point to eth with private ip address.
  • public_interface - should point to eth with public ip address (you can use private iface here, if you want to bind all services to internal network)
  • neutron_external_interface - should point to eth without ip addr (it actually might be non-existing interface, CCP will create it).

Fetch CCP components repos:

ccp fetch

Build CCP components and push them into the Docker Registry:

ccp build

Deploy OpenStack:

ccp deploy

If you want to deploy only specific components use:


For example:

ccp deploy -c etcd mariadb keystone

Check deploy status

By default, CCP deploying all components into “ccp” k8s namespace. You could set context for all kubectl commands to use this namespace:

kubectl config set-context ccp --namespace ccp
kubectl config use-context ccp

Get all running pods:

kubectl get pod -o wide

Get all running jobs:

kubectl get job -o wide


Deployment is successful when all jobs have “1” (Successful) state.

Deploying test OpenStack environment

Install openstack-client:

pip install python-openstackclient

openrc file for current deployment was created in the current working directory. To use it run:

source openrc-ccp

Run test environment deploy script:

bash fuel-ccp/tools/deploy-test-vms.sh -a create -n NUMBER_OF_VMS

This script will create flavor, upload cirrios image to glance, create network and subnet and launch bunch of cirrios based VMs.

Accessing horizon and nova-vnc

Currently, we don’t have any external proxy (like Ingress), so, for now, we have to use k8s service “nodePort” feature to be able to access internal services.

Get nodePort of horizon service:

kubectl get service horizon -o yaml | awk '/nodePort: / {print $NF}'

Use external ip of any node in cluster plus this port to access horizon.

Get nodePort of nova-novncproxy service:

kubectl get service nova-novncproxy -o yaml | awk '/nodePort: / {print $NF}'

Take the url from Horizon console and replace “nova-novncproxy” string with an external IP of any node in cluster plus nodeport from the service.

Cleanup deployment

To cleanup your environment run:

ccp cleanup

This will delete all VMs created by OpenStack and destroy all neutron networks. After it’s done it will delete all k8s pods in this deployment.