.. diagnostic_snapshot: ================================== Diagnostic snapshot ================================== In ``fuel-ccp/tools`` directory you can find tool called ``diagnostic-snapshot.sh``. This tool helps to collect some debug data about your environment. You can run it with: :: ./tools/diagnostic_snapshot -n -o -c .. _parameters: parameters --------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 13 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Short option - Long option - Description * - -n - --namespace - deployment namespace * - -o - --output-dir - directory where diagnostic snapshot will be saved * - -c - --config - should point to Fuel-ccp config file * - -h - --help - print help This tool collect some basic data about: - k8s objects in kube-system and ccp namespaces: - pods - services - jobs - kubelet logs - system: - diskspace - network configuration - cpu info/load - sysctl info - docker: - logs - list of images - running containers - stats - ccp: - status output This script automatically create directory provided as parameter for -o option and archive file in it with all collected data. The name of this file is created with template: -diagnostic.tar.gz