.. _ceph: ==================== Ceph and Swift guide ==================== This guide provides instruction for adding Ceph and Swift support for CCP deployment. .. NOTE:: It's expected that an external Ceph cluster is already available and accessible from the all k8s nodes. If you don't have a Ceph cluster, but still want to try CCP with Ceph, you can use :doc:`ceph_cluster` guide for deploying a simple 3 node Ceph cluster. Ceph ~~~~ Prerequirements --------------- You need to ensure that these pools are created: * images * volumes * vms And that users "glance" and "cinder" are created and have these permissions: :: client.cinder caps: [mon] allow r caps: [osd] allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rx pool=images client.glance caps: [mon] allow r caps: [osd] allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=vms Deploy CCP with Ceph -------------------- In order to deploy CCP with Ceph you have to edit the ``ccp.yaml`` the file: :: configs: ceph: fsid: "FSID_OF_THE_CEPH_CLUSTER" mon_host: "CEPH_MON_HOSTNAME" cinder: ceph: enable: true key: "CINDER_CEPH_KEY" rbd_secret_uuid: "RANDOM_UUID" glance: ceph: enable: true key: "GLANCE_CEPH_KEY" nova: ceph: enable: true Example: :: configs: ceph: fsid: "afca8524-2c47-4b81-a0b7-2300e62212f9" mon_host: "" cinder: ceph: enable: true key: "AQBShfJXID9pFRAAm4VLpbNXa4XJ9zgAh7dm2g==" rbd_secret_uuid: "b416770d-f3d4-4ac9-b6db-b6a7ac1c61c0" glance: ceph: enable: true key: "AQBShfJXzXyNBRAA5kqXzCKcFoPBn2r6VDYdag==" nova: ceph: enable: true - ``fsid`` - Should be the same as ``fsid`` variable in the Ceph cluster ``ceph.conf`` file. - ``mon_host`` - Should contain any Ceph mon node IP or hostname. - ``key`` - Should be taken from the corresponding Ceph user. You can use the ``ceph auth list`` command on the Ceph node to fetch list of all users and their keys. - ``rbd_secret_uuid`` - Should be randomly generated. You can use the ``uuidgen`` command for this. Make sure that your deployment topology has a ``cinder`` service. You could use ``etc/topology-with-ceph-example.yaml`` as a reference. Now you’re ready to deploy CCP with Ceph support. Swift ~~~~~ Prerequirements --------------- Make sure that your deployment topology has a ``radosgw`` service. You could use ``etc/topology-with-ceph-example.yaml`` as a reference. Deploy CCP with Swift --------------------- .. NOTE:: Currently, in CCP, only Glance supports Swift as a backend. In order to deploy CCP with Swift you have to edit ``ccp.yaml`` the file: :: ceph: fsid: "FSID_OF_THE_CEPH_CLUSTER" mon_host: "CEPH_MON_HOSTNAME" radosgw: key: "RADOSGW_CEPH_KEY" glance: swift: enable: true store_create_container_on_put: true Example: :: ceph: fsid: "afca8524-2c47-4b81-a0b7-2300e62212f9" mon_host: ",," radosgw: key: "AQBIGP5Xs6QFCRAAkCf5YWeBHBlaj6S1rkcCYA==" glance: swift: enable: true store_create_container_on_put: true Troubleshooting --------------- If the Glance image upload failed, you should check few things: - Glance-api pod logs - Radosgw pod logs - Keystone pod logs